Wednesday 21 August 2013


I want to help you become rich, free from financial limitations so you can help yourself, and express the love in your heart to those around you.

But before we start getting into all this, I want to ask you a question:
If you received a blank check from the President of your country already signed with the instruction to pay the bearer, how much would you fill in? Whatever amount it is, fill it in here: $_________________

How did you feel about the amount you filled in? If it’s anything less than joyous, then your prosperity IQ is obviously low and except you do something about it today you are going to remain struggling. You might take another job, you may change business but that will not suffice. Money will come to you but leave just the way it comes. Has that being your experience?
If what you are having is just enough money to get you by, if your business is not really expanding, if you are not opening more locations, expanding your product or service lines, then you are struggling and no matter the business books you read, no matter the business lessons you take unless you first come out of the consciousness that creates that problem for you, you cannot experience a brighter life.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created them.”

The fact is you cannot solve your business or any problem for that matter except you alter the consciousness that created them. Albert Einstein once said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created them.” He was right.
Your prosperity in business is not really about the type of business it is, location of the business or any external factor so to say. Really they are about your IQ. This has to do with what you think about your business at some internal level. More importantly, it has to do with what you think about yourself.

Your business will actually match your mindset. For instance, if you started a business in response to your own need, that is so you can have money, I guarantee you will struggle through and never be able to grow the business because by that belief you are actually setting yourself against one of God’s fundamental laws of business growth. And because you are not in alignment with the universe, you cannot harness the forces of the universe for your purpose. Because, all things work for the good of them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.

Success in business revolves around understanding God’s purpose for business and then flowing along with it. Unfortunately such is never taught in business schools. But, that’s why you are here now.

Here’s the TRUTH.

It does not matter what your business may have been like up till this moment. I will like to assure you that it can be another way. You can have breakthroughs in business with the teachings you receive from this place.

The foundation of all true business success is to first alter your consciousness. You will need to awaken to new possibilities to experience those possibilities.

Here’s SECRET No.1

Often you hear and read about ordinary people who started out in business and went out to become big and overwhelmingly successful. You hear about how they persevered, went through many heart breaking moments before they arrived. But what kept them on track? How come they never gave up? What did they think about their situations? 

Always there is the untold story and that story is the story of their awareness. That’s what kept them on track. That’s what helped them. That’s the foundation of business success.
Help exists. Miracles are real. Angels work. Like some man said, ‘angels now hand out my business cards.’ An automobile seller said, I don’t advertise to get customers, I don’t try to sale cars, I clean my consciousness instead and the more I clean the more my business grows and expands. How? Clean to make sales? 

Yes! You never know the power of your publicity materials and by that I mean whatever talks about your business whether is a rough sheet of paper with your business name on it or your business card until you change your consciousness. Your business cards alone can get you a million dollar sale just if you can get them into the right hands. But how do you do that?

Here’s SECRET No.2

You are connected to everyone else in this world than you can imagine. Bill Gates is closer to you than you can imagine. Donald Trump can hear you louder than your mind can fathom. This is because at a deep spiritual level we are all connected. The more you are in the flow with God‘s purpose the more magic and miracles become your everyday occurrence.

But then how do you change your consciousness? And you see for the most part, your consciousness is actually unconscious to you. These are programming in your unconscious mind. They are what I will like to call your mindset. They rule you, they dictate what happens to you, and they make your choices for you. In them you live, move and have your being. They are more important than your academic qualification, your business trainings and your experiences because they actually created and determine what you experience. Because you are not conscious of them and the experience they are creating for you, you brand the unexpected evil they create for you FATE.

No accidents

But there are no accidents in life. Your fate is your own creation. Your experiences are the projections of your own unconscious thought. They are images of your memory playing in your unconscious mind. That’s why the experiences keep re occurring to the extent you now think some kind of witch is against you. No no no. A million times no.

Are you dismissing or attracting wealth

What then will you do? REPROGRAMMING. That’s all. Change the way you think. But how do you change the thoughts when they are at an unconscious level? Because you obviously want success at some conscious level. That’s why you work so hard in your business, that’s why you go to work, isn’t it? But if you are not seeing the kind of results you want, then at some internal level in you unconscious mind you are dismissing the very thing you said you want.
For example, if you said you want to get rich, buy jeeps and build houses, yet whenever a flashy car drives by, you think the owner is either a dirty politician or a ritualist, then you are dismissing that level of wealth in your unconscious mind and therefore can never attract it into your life no matter how hard you try. 

Take another example, if all the time you think that those selling more than you do must have some sort of charm they are using, then irrespective of how much you fast, pray and advertise, you can never sale that much, I guarantee you that.

I know you have your doubts. Yeah, I had mine years ago when I first came into this school of thought. But STOP and ask yourself, what if this is true? What if Mr. Brian is actually right? Since your beliefs and programs are not at a conscious level, you need a coach to help you identify them and then release them so you can go rap speed into the life you’ve so long desired.
Get ready for a miracle!

You can begin the process today by putting a call across to me or may be send me an email so I can invite you for a session where I can listen to your story, determine what programs or tags in the story that are stopping you so you can release them once and for all. Once you clean the wrong belief in you unconscious mind you can then easily attract whatever it is you want. That’s when miracles happen.  Alternatively you can reserve a seat for our seminars in advance. Just go straight to

I love you

Brian Egbulonu

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