Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Secret of Wealth Men

And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.Isa 60:3

The reason people suffer for a long time is not adhering to divine counsel. Gods idea was and still is to make life beautiful for you.

Any man whose primary pursuit is survival will have a hard time through life. The reason is life was designed to be an adventure in processing and delivering solutions. Thats the life God made. When you pre occupy yourself with how to survive, eat, drink, clothe yourself and all that you will barely survive and you cannot make any progress. You will die unfulfilled.

The trouble is the system of the world is already designed to produce poor and mediocre men and women who are unable to rise above their class or question authority. People whose only pursuit will be to enjoy life. Thats how come 10% of the worlds population controls 90% of the worlds wealth while the overwhelming 90% struggles for the 10% left. You can imagine thats the reason for the poverty, the violence and lack all around the world. The major part of the worlds wealth is in the hands of a few individuals. Why is that? Is it because there is not enough to go round? No, its because the rich and powerful many years ago created a system called education as a tool to control and dominate others.

Wealth puts fear to flight and enables people to have a balance in their life and in their judgment.  Wealth gives you the ability to unleash your fullest potentials. The moment you become wealthy controlling you becomes difficult. You take your destiny into your hands when you have wealth. So the best way to have you under control is to control your ability to have wealth.

This is also the reason you have to make up your mind to become wealthy today. Interestingly, wealth is not money. But wealth can produce money. Wealth is an ability that comes with a certain type of consciousness. Wealth is the natural result of a life driven by divine awareness.

The opening scripture said the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. The Gentiles are people without the awareness of God. People who are not God conscious, they are the gentiles. What will they come for? Your light. That is your solution to problems, your direction, and your wisdom, thats what they will come for. They are not coming just to say hello to you, no they come to seek help. How then can you help them if your whole pursuit is how to survive?

Then it said and kings to the brightness of thy rising. That means your solution is spreading abroad. The intensity of your heat is increasing. Kings have bigger issues to deal with you know. They have the economic problems, social problems and all kinds of serious issues that affect the destiny of many people. But they will see that you have the solutions they seek so they come. Understand it did not say you will look for them, no it said they will see your brightness and come on their own. So if you are still looking for kings to help you and no help is coming you have not got this yet.

And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee. Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought. For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.Isa 60:10 12

Did you see that? Strangers, thats the gentiles shall take care of your challenges. They will build up your walls and their things shall serve you. Thats what they do when they come. Not just to say hi to you, no they come to help you because you are their only hope. When it says to bring the forces of the gentiles, it means wealth. You gates will be open so their wealth can come in. You have an office that runs 24 hours because there are so many seeking your attention.

Can you now see how to be wealthy? This is how the rich and powerful run their lives. They see themselves as solutions and once they position themselves that way, next you know is an opportunity shows up and they are on top!

But you can also do the same. It begins with your thought life. Have a new attitude about life today. Think different. You dont need help from somewhere. All you need is a change of thinking. When you listen to the news and hear about the problems of nations and government what goes through your mind? You should recognize that this is your chance. Right away start thinking of how to reach the right people to get the solution across to them.

The ideas are not far, the only reason why they have problems is because they have taken God away from their lives so He is not able to help them. Yet the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. God love this world and wants to help them but only through those that are close enough to hear him. If theres no cure for cancer, you can find it. Look the world is looking for whom to give money to for their problems. Millions of dollars are up for your taking but you have to first change your mental attitude. You are a bundle of solution, rise up today and give your world a new deal. God bless you.